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Weekly Focus: Drink 100 oz of water a day.

Weekly Challenge: Drink 50oz of water before noon daily this week. For most of us, that’s 2 water bottles before noon.

For most of us, drinking 50 oz of water means two water bottles worth. It's not much, but during this time of year when the weather is cold it can be more challenging to keep up on your water intake.

Why is water so important?

Water is an essential nutrient that nourishes every cell in your body. Water delivers essential nutrients to every organ & system within your body - from your brain to your skin to your nerves to your muscles. It can reduce fatigue, headaches, swelling, and digestion issues.

Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.


Some hydration tips:

💧 Drink warm water

💧 Flavor your water with fruits

💧 Set small goals for yourself. Drink 8oz of water before your coffee, before each meal, etc.

💧 Use a piece of washi tape on your water bottle and mark each time you refill. That way you have a visual representation of how much water you've consumed at any point during the day. (*tried and true by me 💁🏼‍♀️)